Our Uniform and Dress Code

At ISCS Nad Al Sheba, we set high expectations on personal appearance onsite, while on trips outside the school, and in the local community. Students are ambassadors of our school, representing ISCS, as well as yourself, as the parent, and are required to maintain the positive brand at all times. Our aim is to achieve consistency across all ages, with our uniform and dress code, ensuring neat and presentable student attires at all times, as they take pride in being a member of ISCS Nad Al Sheba.
The school uniform is mandatory for all students at ISCS Nad Al Sheba. Parents’ cooperation is sought to ensure that their child/children represent themselves, their families, and the school, by wearing the uniform at all times.

Dress code
- Students must wear school-issued uniforms exclusively.
- P.E. uniform is to be worn on P.E. and swimming days only. Plain white sports shoes are appreciated. No sport shoes or trainers will be accepted except during P.E. even if the shoes are black.
- Plain white socks and plain black shoes must be worn on all school days (it is preferable that Foundation Stage (FS) students use shoes with Velcro fastening and not shoelaces).
- Students must only wear school-issued cardigans/blazers.
- The school bag is part of the uniform and is available for purchase at the school.
- Students must always be dressed neatly and wear clean uniforms.
- Boys must have their hair cut short. Hair gel is not allowed.
- Girls from FS1 – Year 3 must have long hair tied.
- Student’s hair must be of a natural colour, neat and of a modest style. Hairstyling products such as gel, wax, mousse, hairstyling oils or liquids, coloured or otherwise, are not permitted, and nor are hairstyles such as spikes or similar styles. If the student’s hairstyle does not adhere to the above policy, he/she will be requested to amend this with immediate effect, and in cases where it is not possible, they will be required to remain at home, until it is acceptable for them to join school, with the appropriate attire.
- Girls of Years 4 to 11 should wear the school provided Hijab, (white from Years 4 to 7 and navy blue, from Years 8 to 11).
- Both male and female students must have short clean nails.
- Girls may not wear henna, nail polish, kohl or makeup
- Students may not wear fragrance or jewellery except for wristwatches.
The school holds no responsibility for any lost items.
If students do not adhere to the uniform policy outlined above, he/she will be reminded in the first instance to amend this with immediate effect. If this is not possible and if a student does not comply, parents will be contacted, and he/she will not be allowed to attend school until they adhere to the school uniform policy.